


Fight Mold Waste with Sorbic Acid

在食品加工中使用时,山梨酸几乎是无味和无味的。它减少了pH,杀死酵母和霉菌,可以改变面团或面糊。2For this reason some bakers in the past have resorted to a potassium sorbate spray applied post-bake, but this method is very limited, as it doesn’t ensure dosing of the active sorbic acid throughout the product.3

BakeShure sorbic acid

Figure 1

Encapsulation enables the sorbic acid to be added with the other dry ingredients without affecting the products, process, or finished quality, and extends shelf life more than a propionate alone could achieve.4Used in conjunction with propionate, sorbic acid will protect against microbes that propionates do not address (see Figure 1).4

Encapsulation is necessary when using sorbic acid as this enabling technology prevents sorbic acid from interacting with yeast and gluten during production.


The technology allows the sorbic acid to remain encapsulated until after the yeast kill step.5一旦温度超过145,它被激活0F.封装的山梨酸也可用于冷冻产品而不影响其抗微生物性质。2


  1. Razavi-Rohani,S.M.,Griffiths,M.W.山梨酸和丙酸在不同pH和NaCl条件下的抗真菌效应。食品安全杂志19.2(伟德2021年欧洲杯1999):109-20。
  2. Sorbic Acid | Baking Ingredients. BAKERpedia.//www.bzysgjg.cn/ingredients/sorbic-acid/. Accessed 13 June 2017.
  3. Silveira, M.F.A., Soares, N.F.F., Geraldine, R.M., Andrade, N.J., Botrel, D.A., Gonçalves, M.P.J. Active film incorporated with sorbic acid on pastry dough conservation. Food Control 18.9 (2007):1063-
  4. 梅森,R.用正确的工具延长保质期。面包岛。//www.bzysgjg.cn/extend-shelf-life-with-the-right-tools/. Accessed 13 June 2017.
  5. 山梨酸的保质期更长?|博客。面包岛。2017年4月28日。//www.bzysgjg.cn/longer-shelf-life-with-sorbic-acid/. Accessed 06 July 2017.