面包是由一个特别的烘焙店产品chemically-leavened batter in the U.S. or from yeasted dough in Europe


Also known as maize bread

What is Cornbread?

面包是由一个特别的烘焙店产品chemically-leavened batter in the U.S. or from yeasted dough in Europe and other parts of the world.

Typically, dough-based cornbread has a:

  • Tight crumb grain
  • Golden crumb color
  • 玉米提供独特的香气和甜味



原料 面包师的%(基于面粉)
面包flour 80.0-70.0.
棒子面 20.0 - -30.0
Salt 1.5–2.0
Nonfat dry milk 3.0–5.0
Compressed yeast 1.0-1.5
Olive oil (extra-virgin) 3.0–5.0


  1. 成分缩放。
  2. Mixing
    1. 将玉米睫毛和总量添加到混合器碗中。让混合物浸泡约15分钟,软化玉米膜并改善面团处理性能。
    2. 在低速上加入其余成分并混合120秒,以掺入干燥和液体成分。
    3. 继续混合高速混合到完全谷粉发育。最终面团应具有可扩展,弹性有限和变形抵抗力。
    4. 最终面团温度应为76°F(24°C),可通过用冰或使用冷藏设备调节水温来控制。
    5. Care must be exercised to not overmix the dough as corn particles exert a cutting action or weakening effect on the gluten matrix.
  3. Bulk fermentation. Allow dough to ferment for about 90 minutes at 82°F (28°C) / 85% RH. Degassing the dough by punching should be done at about mid-fermentation time.
  4. Dividing. Scaling weight is usually 600 g but can vary depending on the desired finished product.
  5. Intermediate proofing (resting): allow dough to recover from mechanical work for 5 to 15 minutes at room conditions.
  6. Moulding. Forming of round or oval loaves.
  7. 最终打样。校对面团件在92-95°F(33-35°C);85%RH 30-60分钟。
  8. Scoring or topping (optional).
    1. Top of loaves can be dusted with cornmeal.
    2. 或者,可以评分面包,以提供不同的烤箱弹簧图案和特殊功能到烘焙食品。
  9. Baking. Bake at 460°F (238°C) for about 40 minutes to an internal temperature of 204°F (95°C). Steam can be applied to enhance oven spring and color.
  10. 在包装或服务之前,冷却到10005°F(35-40°C)的1000°F(35-40°C)。
  11. Packaging or serving


原料 面包师的%(基于面粉)
面包orpastry flour 50.0
细玉米面 50.0
Salt 2.0-2.2
Sugar 30.0–40.0
Nonfat dry milk 5.0–10.0
Baking powder(慢动作的肠酸) 4.0-5.0
液体whole eggs 18.0-22.0
玉米糖浆 4.0-5.0
Butter (or margarine) 30.0-35.0


Processing of batter

  1. 成分缩放。
  2. 混合(搅拌机)。
    1. Combine all dry ingredients
    2. Combine all liquid ingredients. Butter or margarine should be melted prior to blending.
    3. Add liquids to dry ingredients and mix to form a homogeneous batter.
    4. Batter should be immediately processed to avoid loss of carbon dioxide gas that may cause poor volume in the finished product.
  3. Depositing or panning. Grease pan prior to depositing.
  4. Baking. Bake at 400°F (200°C) to an internal temperature of 204°F (95°C). This usually takes 25–35 minutes. The higher the oven temperature, the shorter the baking time.
  5. Depanning.
  6. 在包装或服务之前,冷却到10005°F(35-40°C)的1000°F(35-40°C)。
  7. Packaging or serving.


Thewater absorption ratedepends on the mean particle size and particle size distribution of the cornmeal. The coarser the cornmeal, the longer it takes to fully hydrate, soften and incorporate into the dough or batter. The wider or the less uniform the particle size distribution, the more difficult it is to keep soaking and mixing times consistent batch after batch.

水absorption of bread dough also depends on the protein content and flour strength of wheat flour.



  1. Hamelman, J. “Breads Made with Yeast.” Bread. A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013, pp. 143–144.
  2. Gisslen, W. “Quick Breads.” Professional Baking, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017, p. 219.