sliced white bread

Azodicarbonamide (ADA)

Also Known as Azobisformamide (AZA)


Azodicarbonamide is an ingredient used as awhitening agent在谷物面粉中,作为面包烘烤的面团护发素,得到了美国食品和药物管理局的批准。1它是具有分子式C的化合物2H4O2N4. ADA is:

  • yellow to orange red
  • odorless
  • 结晶粉


Azodicarbonamide被Wallace and Tiernan,Inc。作为面粉成熟剂引入,并于1962年被批准使用。



Dough conditioner: ADA matures flour through oxidation. When mixed into doughs, it oxidized the sulfhydryl (SH) groups and exerts an improving effect, which is illustrated in Figure 2.3主要反应产物是尿素的衍生物Biurea,在烘烤过程中是稳定的。


图2 Azodicarbonamide氧化了面团中的硫酸(SH)基团(ADA的成熟作用)。

Azodicarbonamide oxidizes the sulfhydryl (SH) groups in dough (the maturing action of ADA).

Commercial Production

Azodicarbonamide is manufactured by reacting dihydrazine sulfate and urea under higher pressure and high temperature. The resulting product is combined with sodium chlorate and oxidized, then centrifuged. Azodicarbonamide is extracted from the resulting slurry, washed, and drained. Pure azodicarbonamide powder is obtained and then micronized to fine powder particles.4


偶氮二甲酰胺在干粉中没有反应,而是在制作面团的过程中做出反应。当混合到面团中时,它会氧化硫酸(SH)基团并发挥改善的作用。3The oxidation is rapid and almost complete during the mixing of dough for 2.5 min. Neither further mixing or prolonged resting could give a significant and additional decrease in the –SH content. ADA is used where a faster maturing agent is required. Treatment levels ranging from 2 to 45 p.p.m. of azodicarbonamide are required to accomplish maturing, the amount depending on the grade of flour.5If trying to create a more organic product, it is best to find自然的替代品for ADA.

FDA Regulation

偶氮二甲酰胺(ADA)具有通常被认为是安全(GRAS)状态的,并且可以以高达45 ppm的水平添加到面粉中。1ADA must be declared in the statement of ingredients.6

Semicarbazide, a reported animal carcinogen, is a product of the thermal decomposition of ADA, which was shown in 2004.7-9It is formed through the intermediate biurea.8However, none of these studies have shown that semicarbazide residues are at an unsafe level in bread and rolls. ADA as a food additive is banned in Australia and Europe. The FDA continues to evaluate the safe use of ADA in foods and considers ADA as a safe food additive when used for the purposes and at the levels specified in FDA regulations.9


  1. “21CFR172.806.” CFR – Code of Federal Regulations Title 21.
  2. “减肥并通过真正的食物饮食改善健康|食物。”减肥并通过真正的食物饮食改善健康|食物。
  3. C. C. Tsen. The reaction mechanism of Azodicarbonamide in dough. Cereal Chemistry 40: 638-646.
  4. “ Azodicarbonamide - Phar6157。”Azodicarbonamide - PHAR6157。
  5. R. R. Joiner,F。D。Vidal和H. C. Marks。面粉成熟的新粉末剂。谷物化学。40:539-553。
  6. “ 21CFR101.4(a)(1)” CFR - 联邦法规守则标题21。
  7. Becalski, Adam, Benjamin Lau P.-Y., David Lewis, and Stephen Seaman W. “Semicarbazide Formation in Azodicarbonamide-Treated Flour: A Model Study.” J. Agric. Food Chem. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry52.18 (2004): 5730-734.
  8. Noonan, Gregory O., Timothy Begley H., and Gregory Diachenko W. “Semicarbazide Formation in Flour and Bread.” J. Agric. Food Chem. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56.6 (2008): 2064-067.
  9. “Frequently Asked Questions on Azodicarbonamide (ADA).” N.p., 25 Apr. 2016.