
面包一直在卷土重来,但现在仍然有点卖。但whole wheat breadbrings a lot to the table:

  • 它降低了肥胖,2型糖尿病,心血管疾病和癌症的风险
  • 纤维,营养和抗氧化活性高


What are some issues of baking whole wheat bread?

It’s all in the the bran. It disrupts the starch-gluten matrix and decreases the gas-holding capacity. The result is low volume, less extensibility and a drier product.

How can I make it better?

There are ways to make whole wheat bread more desirable and bakeable. A few are:

  • 预处理或提前浸泡麸皮以改善麸皮水合
  • Use bran with lower insoluble dietary fiber
  • 添加干净的标签酶以协助体积
  • Try phytase to increase nutrition
  • 重要的小麦面筋也可以帮助


If baking organic, malt flour, vital gluten, Cephalaria syriaca and rosehip have been confirmed to enhance whole wheat bread quality. Malt flour is rich in amylolytic enzymes. Rosehip is used to replace synthetic ascorbic acid. Cephalaria syriaca has positive effect in the extensograph characteristics of wheat flour.